“When I heard ‘My Last Song to Jenny’ I immediately connected to it. It was that one song, one song that I connected to, that made me go see the Avett Brothers live. And by the end of that concert I was so in love with these guys. Their lyrics just speak to you, it’s like they speak to your soul. The more I listened to them, the more I saw that the lyrics have this feeling, a feeling of real life experiences.
At that time I was in a really dark place. I was in bad relationship, and I was around a lot of negativity. I had this really strong feeling that something was going on. Nobody told me anything, but it turned out that my roommate and best friend was seeing my boyfriend behind my back. I was lost, and I just didn’t know how to feel. Songs like ‘Pretend Love’ and ‘I Would be Sad’ helped get me through that situation. I mean, I had those songs to make me realize what I was feeling about what was going on. But some of their other songs built me back up, and made me realize, hey, it’s okay, I’m going through this, but I know something better is going to come out of it. And being a part of this community, ‘Avett Nation’, I’ve seen so many other people have their own revalations through the Avett Brothers’s music. All of their songs are a story of these emotions and these life changing events. And you realize when you’re listening to them, you know, maybe I’m not the only one going through this, and feeling this. They really help you on a level that makes you realize that you’re not alone.”
I want to live
My Last Song to Jenny – The Avett Brothers
and I want you to live
happy and free
But I don’t know how
to seperate the now
from what used to be