Celebrating the music that sparks your soul


Switchfoot – A Defining Time

“I was in my early 20’s, it was the season of life when everything was new. I was just married, we moved from a stable, rural community to the big city. I had lots of hopes and dreams as I was trying to prepare for whatever my future was going to be. That was when my Brother-in-law gave me Switchfoot’s Learning to...

Switchfoot – The Constant in my Life

Switchfoot was the first band I totally fell in love with. Before my cousin introduced me to them when I was 12, I listened to a lot of country music. When I heard “Your Love is a Song” my life changed. I think I liked it so much because there was a more subjective take on the lyrics, and even though it wasn’t directly...

Switchfoot – Faith, Hope, Love

Several years ago my wife and I starting asking ourselves if we were truly happy. We were both attorneys working in our own law firm. It was a stressful and demanding job. I mean the money was great, but you can make all the money in the world, but if you’re not happy it doesn’t mean anything. So I encouraged her to think...

Switchfoot – Positive Notes

“I didn’t always have the best role models in my life. But when it came to seeing Switchfoot’s music videos, listening to them talk and their lyrics, they were a positive influence, better role models to guide me along as I grew up. I mean, I can remember being excited hearing “Learning to Breathe” when I...

switchfoot fans

Switchfoot – Anthem of Hope

“Before I started elementary school my older brother was into Switchfoot. So I was about 4 years old and I was like, oh my gosh, these guys are so cool, and the music is so awesome. They were the first rock n’ roll sounding band I’d ever heard, I remember their sound was really distinctive, and even from a young age it...