“I live and work in the Middle East and schedule my vacations around upcoming concerts here in the U.S.. Shinedown is my favorite band especially live, and I’ve seen them on tour in support of every album they’ve released. My girlfriend is from Jordan and hasn’t been to exposed to much American rock music. I showed her the video for my favorite song, “If You Only Knew” and we talked about what the song meant to us. Now, I know the song was written for Brent’s son, but you can’t really tell someone what to think, especially when it comes to music and art. So for us, It’s become our song. It’s something always there for us when we’re away from each other, it’s deepened our relationship. It means so much that I’ve got a tattoo of it in honor of her. She’s the love of my life.”
If you only knew I’d sacrifice my beating Heart before I lose you