Celebrating the music that sparks your soul

Tool – No Going Back

“When I was younger I was really into kind of depressing music. I mean, I was probably depressed on some level so I felt like I could relate to it. But when I heard Tool for the first time there was just no going back. I’d never had music make me feel the way Tool did. As I got deeper and deeper into it and started digesting what Maynard had to say, I felt a transformation happening inside of me. The songs made me think in a different way, I started analyzing myself and my life and eventually they inspired me to start my band, Source.

The idea behind Source is to continue the tradition and style of making heavy music with deep emotional content. Music that takes the style, technique and loudness, and channels them into the purpose of helping people embrace their suffering, to realize that suffering gives life meaning, and that pain can serve as a way to find joy in your life. And I still strive, every day, to create music with a message that has a deep, emotional impact.”

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