“It was Christmas, I was 6 years old and my aunt put Hard Candy Christmas on the record player. At that moment I fell in love with Dolly Parton. I loved her voice and I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. From then on, everything in my life was Dolly, Dolly, Dolly. I wanted to be just like her. The more I found out about her, the more I related to her and her songs. You see I grew up poor, not just poor, really poor. My Grandma made most of my clothes, and the kids at school would make fun of them. Dolly made me believe in myself, she made me believe that I could pull myself up and become anything I wanted to, no matter what was holding me down. So when I was 18, I left that small town. It wasn’t easy, but Dolly was right there with me, she kept me determined. I worked two jobs, at an aerospace plant during the day and a box plant at night. On the weekends I would work landscaping. After 10 years, at 28, I was able to buy my own home and start a full time landscaping business with my best friend. When you grow up poor and work hard for a better life, you keep the things that are important close to you. So I cherish her friendship and we are still best friends today.”
